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Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures 


General procedure

Any incident, however apparently minor, should be reported to the facility and/or parent as soon as possible, and certainly on return from the session. An incident report form must be completed. All incidents should be reported to the organiser.

All instructors are required to carry mobile phones.

The lead instructor should carry a folder containing all relevant information for that session, including the completed register, all parent consent forms (thus showing emergency contact details for parents), progress/monitoring sheets and the emergency contact names and numbers given below. 

If an injury accident involving a motor vehicle/serious injury/major incident occurs, the instructor should follow the accident procedure below and then phone details through to the manager:

If they are not available there should be an alternative contact:

The office administrator will take details and immediately pass them onto the relevant person.

After the incident, an incident report form should be completed as soon as possible by the instructor and logged by the scheme organiser.  


Accident procedure

• If an accident does occur, keep calm but stop the training session.

• If on the road, the instructor/assistant should get the trainees of their cycles and safely onto the pavement or nearest safe area.

• The lead instructor should assess the situation in order to safeguard themselves and to protect the casualty from further injury.

• They should decide if the casualty can be moved, if first aid is needed or if an ambulance should be called.

• If medical assistance is needed, the instructor/assistant can call for an ambulance while the other attends the casualty.

• The facility should be contacted as soon as possible  so that the parents can be informed. If the incident happens during a holiday  course, the parents/guardians should be contacted directly.


After the incident

If you are offsite ensure safe return of young people to the facility. If the site is some distance from school try to phone a contact at the school to advise of a delay in returning.

On return to the facility inform the contact of the incident if you have not already done so (for

example, a minor incident). The facility will notify a parent or guardian as necessary.

If holiday/after school programme, the coach must contact the parent/guardian directly as necessary.

An incident report form should be completed as soon as possible following an incident.



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